Web Services

The main activity of Kaamos Creations is to provide consulting on how to steer digitalisation into a direction which leads to a sustainable development that - unlike in mainstream approaches - takes into consideration the societal challenges that come along with digitalisation. 

In the eyes of Kaamos Creations one part on how to achieve a path toward sustainability is to resort to ethically sound software. We believe that digital services should be transparent and easily accessible, as well as free of hidden costs for providers and users (and to refrain from data scraping) in order to promote fact based and open dialogue, boost businesses sustainably, and to promote an open and democratic society. Digital services should not hide their mode of operation behind unknown algorithms, and they should not violate people's basic rights. We therefore avoid proprietary and closed source software but instead resort to free and open source software (FOSS) (reading suggestion: FOSS as a contribution to digital security in the Arctic).

Kaamos Creations provides training and workshops on how to use Linux, the secure use of mobile devices and desktops, secure communication and GDPR compliance for SMEs or NGOs. While we can provision some services, our main goal is to train and share knowledge to empower people to become self-sufficient in setting up the digital tools they need. However, we also provide tailored solutions of online services for small businesses, science projects, artists, or activists etc., such as tools for project collaboration, web hosting or building websites and online shops, that are operated by the users/communities rather than by transnational corporations. Have the tools you need in your own hand!

Some of the online services* we can help to set up or provide include:

  • your self hosted:
    • web server
    • mail server, scalable (postfix/dovecot)
      • server-side spam protection (rspamd)
      • browser based mail access (e.g. roundcube)
      • authentication and anti spoofing (DMARC, SPF, DKIM)
      • transport security (MTA-STS, DANE/TLSA)
    • cloud services (e.g. nextcloud; seafile)
      • online office suite (e.g. collabora; onlyoffice)
      • groupware
    • video-conferencing (e.g. spreed; jitsi-meet)
      • incl. your own turnserver
    • VPN (e.g. wireguard; OpenVPN)
    • web analytics (matomo)
    • chat server (XMPP)
    • newsletter
    • customer relationship management
    • wiki
    • online forum (e.g. Discourse)
  • web design (mainly based on drupal and wordpress)
  • web shops (e.g. built on drupal commerce)
  • web hosting
  • support mail/communications encryption (e.g. PGP)
  • domain registration
  • digitisation of art
  • Environmental monitoring

We can provide web space on one of our servers or support you to set up your own server. We can also provide assistance in setting up a local wired or wireless network, or a server for local services.

All our servers are located within the European Union. Our servers are powered by electricity generated from 100% renewable resources.

electricity logo





* References:

Arctic Imagineers


Calotte Academy

HuSArctic (project ended)


Lapland Shop

Vihreä keino